

HOME > Reservation


Communication between overseas customer and branch will be made through the online support desk.

Reservations are not immediately confirmed. Once the availability is checked, you will receive a ”Confirmation request” mail. Please reply to this mail to finalize your reservation.

请回复Confirmation Request邮件。(不是自动回复) 如果没有回复,该请求将被取消。

Please allow 1~2 working days for the response. In the event that you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder/email address.
Online support closed weekends & holidays, and after 5:00PM on weekdays.

⚠ Online reservation is available for up to 3 months in advance.
⚠ Pre-order is required for Sakae Central branch (after confirmation).
⚠ For 11 or more people, please contact the store directly through an agency.

*Alphabetic / Numeric characters only.
Store branch name*
Requested Date* (YYYY-MM-dd)
*Grayout: Fully booked.

Requested Time*
*Grayout: Fully booked.

Please enter the Representative's name.
Alphabet/Space characters only.
Personal Contact Number*
Email address*
Whatsapp / LINE not supported.
Do not use Hotmail. Mail delivery failure occurs.
Total number of adults*
Total number of children*
Age (child)
Number of Baby chairs
Contact Number in Japan*
Smoking preference

*All branches non-smoking.
How did you know about Sapporo Kanihonke?*


Multiple requests made by the same party (including different channels) will result in cancellations of all requests/reservations.

*Alphabetic / Numeric characters only.

Pre-order Request

Please send your order after the reservation is confirmed.

Cancellation fee policy: Our restaurant collects food charge from customers who suddenly cancel their reservation within 2 days from the reserved date.

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